One of the primary criticisms levied against the Occupy movement has been a perceived lack of diversity among the activists at its core. Images of “spoiled white kids” fit into a neat media narrative, but it is certainly true that the movement could be doing a better job politicizing among a wider audience. Building these new coalitions has been a major point of emphasis over the past few months. As the start of a series on Occupy outreach to Spanish speakers in particular, I spoke to Sofía Gallisá Muriente, an editorial board member of the publication IndigNación, a new Spanish-language paper.
Who you are and what’s your role at the publication?
Was IndigNación a response to problems Occupy was having reaching out to the Spanish-speaking community?
Have you had any success soliciting donors so far?
How would you describe the political background of those involved in the project?
What do you see as the goals of the publication?
What role do you expect IndigNación to play in relation to broader outreach attempts within Occupy?
Bhaskar Sunkara is the president of The Nation magazine and the founding editor of Jacobin. Follow him on Twitter: @sunraysunray.