Manning Found Guilty on Nearly All Counts

Lewis Kendall

Signs display support for Bradley Manning at the Chicago Annual Pride Parade in June. Manning is on trial for leaking thousands of classified U.S. files.

The judge in the Bradley Manning trial has found the Army Private guilty on 20 counts, however acquitted him of the most serious aiding the enemy” offense.

The sentencing trial, which allows for both sides to present new evidence, will begin Wednesday morning. 

Between 2009 and 2010, Manning used his clearance as an intelligence analyst to download thousands of documents from U.S. intelligence databases and transmit them to Wikileaks.

The prosecution claims that the sharing of these classified files — among them the infamous Collateral Murder” video that shows a U.S Apache helicopter killing unarmed Iraqi civilians — compromised national security.

The Freedom of the Press Foundation is providing transcripts of the proceedings.

Read on for the latest updates.

[View the story Bradley Manning Trial” on Storify]
Lewis Kendall is a Summer 2013 editorial intern at In These Times.
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