The Young Conservatives of Texas has drawn up a “watch list” of 10 University of Texas professors who use their power as educators to “indoctrinate” students. The professors listed on the Spring 2004 Watch List include:
Journalism Professor Robert Jensen, who in his Critical Issues in Journalism class, “introduces the unsuspecting student to a crash course in socialism, white privilege, [and] the ‘truth’ about the Persian Gulf War.”
African American Studies Professor Edmund Gordon, who in his African-American Culture class, teaches “how blacks were and are oppressed, which would seem to deprive students of other important elements of black culture.”
Government Professor Jennifer Suchland, who in her Race, Class & Gender class, has students read articles that “greatly accentuate oppression and exploitation in the United States along race, class, and gender lines. If you believe in the American Dream and that the United Sates is a land of great opportunity, nothing in the readings from this class will confirm that belief.”
Slavic Languages Professor Thomas Garza, who in his The Vampire in Slavic Culture class, “referred to President George H.W. Bush as ‘…you know, the President Bush that was actually elected,’ thus making the implication that the current President holds his office illegitimately. … He arrogantly offered these remarks as if they were simply a matter of common knowledge.”
Sociology Professor Gretchen Webber, who in her Introduction to the Study of Society class, doesn’t “advocate much of a role for an individual’s free will.”
Government Professor David Edwards, who in his International Relations class, “‘highlights’ articles from the New York Times.”
Joel Bleifuss, a former director of the Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia, is the editor & publisher of In These Times, where he has worked since October 1986.