-The violence in the Congo continues.
-A top former Rwandan aide, partially implicated in igniting the 1994 genocide there, was apprehended at a German airport recently and stands indicted under French anti-terrorism laws. The legacy of the Rwandan genocide, which saw 800,000 people slaughtered, is at the heart of the bloodshed today in DR Congo.
-The lonely fight for a free media: a single reporter in China is suing her government over the state-sponsored censorship of her work.
-Meanwhile, in Thailand, a civil war may be brewing.
-All your questions about the upcoming Minnesota senate vote recount are answered by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.
-Can an 8 year old be tried as an adult? Police in Arizona think so.
-Glenn Greenwald talks with the national ACLU's executive director about the priority of restoring civil liberties once Bush is gone. Listen or read the transcript.
-Why are the myopic economic architects of our current financial meltdown advising Obama? Dean Baker would really like to know.
-Bill McKibben: Obama must take "politically unpopular" action in order to tackle climate change.
-Memo to Obama: Don't "fully fund" NCLB - revise it so that it works.
Cold here in Chicago. Bite to the wind and a crick in my neck.
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