Russert Watch: Forgetting the new evidence of Bush’s lies

Tracy Van Slyke

Yawn – I have to say this episode of "Meet the Press" seemed like a filler episode. Russert had Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on, to share his expert opinion about how he doesn’t think Iraq is on the brink of civil war (as if it isn’t in the midst of one RIGHT NOW), that the Iraqi people want peace (I would say most people don’t look forward to bombs and blood in their streets), and of course, the Iraqi people are better off w/out Saddam Hussein in power. Let’s not even go to there right now, because frankly, I’m a little disappointed the Administration hasn’t updated these talking points yet. But here’s a real question for you, Tim. Where is the Katrina Video? Where is it? We have to listen to the Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff tell us that “this is a tough environment, but we’re making progress” in Iraq. (Whoa – I didn’t expect him to say that!! Thank goodness, you brought him on to give us this stimulating assessment.) Let’s put aside the small issue that there was no one brought on to even debate Gen. Pace about when we can all finally admit Iraq is internally imploding. The fact that you can’t even take a few moments to discuss the fact that President Bush has been caught in a direct lie about what the federal government knew in advance to the worst disaster in American history is just disappointing to me Tim. Please, hang your head in shame. Russert can’t even start off this repetitive interview without sidestepping a direct question. Russert says to Gen. Pace, “If you were to be asked whether things in Iraq are going well or badly, what would you say? How would you answer?” If you were to be asked… Tim, Tim–just admit it–you are asking him!!! When asked about a poll that shows 62 percent of the American public thinks the Iraqi occupation is going badly, Gen. Pace blamed the lack of 24-hour news coverage and good stories getting out to the public. This answer is not only tired, but is crap… People are dying by the

Tracy Van Slyke, a former publisher of In These Times, is the project director for The Media Consortium.
The text is from the poem “QUADRENNIAL” by Golden, reprinted with permission. It was first published in the Poetry Project. Inside front cover photo by Golden.
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