Smart ALEC’s Comeuppance: Bill Moyers Takes On the American Legislative Exchange Council
Joel Bleifuss
This week’s edition of Bill Moyers & Company features the documentary report “The United States of ALEC,” which explores how ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) is working with powerful corporations and politicians to “remake America, one state house at a time.”
ALEC has long been a subject of In These Times’ muckraking.
Beau Hodai has covered ALEC’s shenanigans for In These Times since his July 2010 cover story, “Corporate Con Game: How the Private Prison Industry Helped Shape Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Law,” exposed how ALEC was involved in pushing that legislation. Hodai’s August 2011 cover story, “Publicopoly Exposed,” examined how ALEC, the Koch brothers and their corporate allies plan to neuter public employee unions and privatize government. And in February, Hodai was thrown out of ALEC’s Scottsdale, Ariz., convention, a tale he told in “ALEC’s Arizona Excort Service.”
We can’t wait to see what Bill Moyers has to say about this nefarious outfit.
Bill Moyers & Company is shown Friday evenings on PBS stations across the country.
Joel Bleifuss, a former director of the Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia, is the editor & publisher of In These Times, where he has worked since October 1986.