Over 100,000 people are believed dead after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, on Tuesday afternoon. The quake buried countless buildings, from shantytowns to the presidential palace. All hospitals in Port-au-Prince have been leveled or abandoned. The United Nations headquarters and the city's main prison have collapsed as well. Thousands of residents are homeless and without food, water, or electricity. On the ground in Port-au-Prince Haiti is in a state of chaos, as Kayla Coleman reports for Care2. "The streets…are flooded with the rubble of collapsed buildings and displaced people. … The earthquake has destroyed much of the already fragile and overburdened infrastructure." Because all hospitals have been destroyed, there is nowhere to take the injured. According to Coleman, the United Nations says it will immediately release $10 million from its emergency fund to aid relief efforts. Haiti before the earthquake And though Americans are now paying attention to Haiti in the wake of this disaster, little to no attention was paid to the "daily chaos and misery" that plagues the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, as James Ridgeway writes for Mother Jones. "It is hard to imagine what a magnitude 7 earthquake might do to a city that on any ordinary day already resembles a disaster area." Ridgeway also cites a 2006 New York Times report that details how the Bush administration helped destabilize Haiti in the years leading up to the 2004 coup. Ridgeway writes: "For the most part, Europe and the United States have continued to sit by as Haiti has grown poorer and poorer. When I was there you could find the children just outside Cite Soleil, the giant slum, living in the garbage dump, waiting for the U.S. army trucks to dump the scraps left from the meals of American soldiers. There they stood, knee deep in garbage, fighting for bits of food. As for the old, they people every street, gathering at the Holiday Inn at Port-au-Prince in wheelchairs, waiting at the doorway in search of a coin or two. They have no social safety net. And nobody with any money—no bank, no insurance company, no hedge fund, no mutual fund—ever makes any serious investment in the country." Will prevailing attitudes towards Haiti change? At RaceWire, Michelle Chen writes that Haiti, a place "where buildings have been known to suddenly collapse on their own, even without the help of a natural disaster," was still trying to recover from the severe tropical storms last spring that leveled hundreds of schools and left tens of thousands homeless. Now the situation is desperate. "There will be an outpouring of sympathy across borders, a spasm of humanitarian aid," Chen writes. But "will there be an attitude shift in the power structures that have long compounded natural disaster with politically manufactured crisis?" 'Supporting the right kind of aid' For those in Haiti, outside help is crucial. The country is in need of search and rescue volunteers, field hospitals, emergency health, water purification, and telecommunications. To ensure that you are supporting the right kind of aid—"the kind that builds local self-resilience, strengthens the local economy, and fosters local leadership," as Sarah van Gelder details for Yes! Magazine—donate to one or more groups with a proven track record, such as Doctors without Borders, Grassroots International, Partners in Health, and Action Aid, among others. Hip-hop artist and Haitian native Wyclef Jean has led efforts to help Haiti for years through his charity Yele Haiti. Jessica Calefati at Mother Jones reports that Yele spends $100,000 a year on athletic programs for Haitian children and helps feed 50,000 people a month with food donated by the UN. When Jean received word of the disaster, he immediately acted, sending a "flurry of tweets" for people to donate $5 by texting 501501. He has already returned to Haiti to help. How you can help For more details about how you can donate effectively, check out Yes!, Mother Jones, Care2, and The Nation's roundups. You can also watch Free Speech TV's action update video for more information. GritTV aired a segment on Haiti featuring Danny Glover, Marie St. Cyr, and a performance by the Welfare Poets. The video (below) covers the devastation in Haiti after the quake as well as the state of the country prior to the crisis: How not to help For an example of how not to help in a time of crisis, take a look at televangelist Pat Robertson, who claimed yesterday that the quake was Haiti's payback for a "pact with the devil" that slaves made to obtain independence from French colonials. As a rebuttal, Afro-Netizen points out how Haiti's liberation greatly benefited the United States, and Tracy Viselli at Care2 writes that "if there is a god, Pat Robertson is one of the devil's pied pipers." More coverage of the crisis For more information about relief efforts in Haiti, what you can do to help, and some historical context, check out the below list of coverage by Media Consortium members. Video from the Real News Network on how World Bank policies led to famine in Haiti. Garry Pierre-Pierre of Inter Press Service reports on humanitarian efforts of Haitian-American leaders in New York. Monica Potts explains why Americans should concentrate on our policies toward Haiti for The American Prospect. Erin Rosa at Campus Progress writes about Ansel Herz, a young journalist that is on the ground at Haiti. Video from The UpTake of President Obama's pledge to send aid. This post is a special report on Haiti and features links to the best independent, progressive reporting by members of The Media Consortium. It is free to reprint. For more updates, follow us on Twitter. And for the best progressive reporting on critical economy, environment, health care and immigration issues, check out The Audit, The Mulch, The Pulse, and The Diaspora. This is a project of The Media Consortium, a network of leading independent media outlets.
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