General Petraeus has spoken. So expires another line of evasion for our Coward-In-Chief.
For months, whenever Mr. Bush has been asked to account for his bloody misadventure in Iraq, when asked for a comment on legislation to set timetables for withdrawal, on strategy, on the latest explosion killing civilians and soldiers, it's been "wait for General Petraeus's report." Before that it was "wait for the surge." And before that? "Wait 'til Gates takes over." So, what's next? What will his next evasive line be while the violence he engendered inevitably spirals toward total catastrophe? How about, "Wait until we strike Iran?"
-Jarrett Dapier
Assistant Publisher
In These Times
Before coming to The Media Consortium in February 2008, Erin was an Associate Publisher for In These Times, where she managed advertising, marketing and outreach.
Erin began working with In These Times as an editorial intern in June 2005. That August, she joined the staff as Advertising and Marketing Coordinator and was promoted to Associate Publisher in February 2007.
From August 2004 through May 2005, Erin served with City Year Chicago, an Americorps program. As a Senior Corps member, she co-led a team of literacy tutors at an elementary school on the West side of Chicago.
Erin graduated with departmental honors and a degree in English from Webster University in May 2004.