-Malaria hits refugee camp in DR Congo while efforts to protect civilians from violence are falling short.
-"A weekend of nuclear protests": The conservative Christian Democrats and influential industrialists in Germany want a reversal on the country's plan to phase out nuclear power, and the people - 15,000 strong - are rising up. Check out the photo slideshow, too.
-Rwandan President Paul Kagame called the arrest in Frankfurt of Rose Kabuye "a violation of the sovereignty of Rwanda" and has temporarily booted the German envoy from his country and recalled the Rwandan ambassador to Germany. Kabuye was arrested on a French anti-terrorism warrant for her part in the 1994 killing of then Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana, an act which ignited the months-long Rwandan genocide.
-Crushing dissidence in Burma: 14 Burmese activists have been sentenced to 65 years in prison for taking part in anti-government rallies last year.
-Women fleeing Ethiopia to Lebanon for work return as corpses.
-Education, prevention, and condoms: Bloomberg and AllAfrica have the stories on what Obama's policies regarding HIV/AIDS in Africa will look like. "We'll see a return to a true science-based response to HIV," said Mitchell Warren, executive director of the New York-based AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition.
-Iraq vet, profiled in the Corvallis Gazette Times in Oregon, says he's had enough.
-Alexander Cockburn over at Counterpunch has a biting run down on Rahm Emanuel.
-The GOP is railing against the Minnesota Secretary of State in an attempt to discredit him before the vote recount that will elect Al Franken to the Senate next month. My guess is this too-familiar bluster from the Right will have about as much effect as Sarah Palin's zingers against ACORN did.
-Speaking of, Sarah Palin IS a George Saunders character. Check out this quote regarding her future run for the White House from her two-part interview on Fox News airing this week:
"I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is.
"Even if it's cracked up a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that and maybe prematurely plow through it, but don't let me miss an open door," she tells the Fox interviewer Greta Van Susteren.
If you've ever read the man, this is uncanny.
-Please enjoy this ingenious Onion video:
Voting Machines Elect One Of Their Own As President
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