-Die Feministin Katha Pollitt talks with Der Spiegel:
Pollitt:To older feminists it can seem that the younger women do not understand the precariousness of what they have won -- the right to an abortion, for example, that could be revoked at any moment. But at the same time older feminists sometimes don't see that things have really changed. Some of those old battles have been won, and you aren't fighting them again. For example, abortion rights may be at risk, but the right to enter a profession is not at risk. Gays are not going back into the closet. Single motherhood -- including abortion -- is here to stay.
SPIEGEL: So is a women's movement necessary even today?
Other topics discussed include Sarah Palin, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton's campaign, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
-Read an open letter to the CEO of Whole Foods Market from the United Farm Workers, along with about a dozen other labor-rights and advocacy groups, regarding "the working conditions faced by Beef NW feed lots, a company who supplies (Whole Foods) with "natural" beef."
-Sally on over to Progress Illinois to catch Adam Doster's post on Indiana's chief voter-suppression pud-whack. This class act cut his teeth in Florida in 2000 and "is proud" of his work there.
-TPM's Republican Voter Suppression Guide is here.
-If you missed Obama's 27 minute infomercial tonight, watch it below. I, for one, am disappointed he couldn't find it in him to use the words "labor union" once.
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