By Lindsay Beyerstein, Media Consortium blogger Sunday marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of B-movie actor-turned-conservative president, Ronald Wilson Reagan. On the eve of the centennial, economist Yves Smith talked Reaganomics on the Real News Network. Smith argues that Reagan's real legacy is the deregulation of the U.S. economy that set the stage for the economic meltdown of the late 2000s: But [with] financial services, you have companies that have state guarantees. That's the bottom line with the banking system. Ever since the 1930s, we in advanced economies have made the decision we're not going to let the banking system fail. So if you don't regulate banks, you have set up the situation that we have now, which is that you have socialized losses and privatized gains. And what have we seen come out of that? Financial crises. When we had a heavily regulated financial system, we had nearly 40 years of hardly any financial crises. When we started deregulating the banks, you saw increasing in frequency and increasing in significance financial crises directly resulting from that. Spot of Tea? Ordinary Britons are rallying to the defense of the welfare state. Faced with the deepest public spending cuts in living memory, citizens are taking to the streets to force deadbeat companies to pay their taxes, Johann Hari reports in The Nation. Their federal government has pledged to slash £7 billion in public spending. Cuts to subsidized housing alone will force 200,000 people out of their homes. A group of friends in a local pub were galvanized by the news that Vodafone, one of the UK's leading mobile phone companies, owed an astonishing £6 billion in back taxes. Calling themselves UK Uncut, the friends staged a protest outside Vodafone headquarters in London. The meme went viral. In the following days, several Vodafone stores were temporarily paralyzed by peaceful sit-ins. Hari argues that the success of UK Uncut can teach American progressives a lot about how to build a grassroots counterpart to the Tea Party. Persistent vegetative states Big or small, liberal or conservative, state governments are screwed. That's the upshot of Paul Starr's latest essay in The American Prospect. Unemployment remains at recession levels and there is little political will to raise taxes. States can't deficit spend like the feds do. So, the only option is public service cuts, which means firing teachers, doctors, firefighters, and other public workers. Starr argues that the economic stimulus was a good start, but one that didn't go far enough. As part of the stimulus, the federal government picked up a larger share of the states' Medicaid costs. This was a good thing, in Starr's view, because the extra federal dollars saved jobs while providing health care for the poor. Starr argues that state budget woes during recessions are so predictable, and the consequences so dire, that the Medicaid subsidy should kick in automatically whenever unemployment rises past a predetermined threshold. Anti-union bill dead in CO A bill to end collective bargaining for public employees in Colorado died in committee this week, according to Joseph Boven of the Colorado Independent. The bill would have abolished an executive order signed by former Gov. Bill Ritter, which gave state employees the right to organize. If the bill had been enacted, this kind of organizing would become illegal. This bill, sponsored by Sen. Shawn Mitchell (R-Broomfield), was just one of many attempts by Republicans to scapegoat public sector unions for what Mitchell calls the "financial Armageddon" facing state governments.Smurfs rob Moms "Smurfing" is money laundering slang for recruiting a lot of low-level accomplices to move money in untraceably small increments. But the word may soon have a new derogatory connotation. Kevin Drum of Mother Jones reports that a kids' video game, Smurfs' Village, is depleting parents' bank accounts, one wagon of Smurfberries at a time. Capcom's game offers kids the chance to build the village from scratch. Along the way, they can pay real money for in-game resources. One mother was shocked to receive a $1,400 bill from Apple because her daughter bought innumerable imaginary props, such as $19 "buckets of snowflakes," and a $100 "wagon of Smufberries." The purchases require a password, but critics say it's too easy for clever kids to circumvent the security. As Drum says, if adults want to waste their real dollars on virtual Farmville paraphernalia, that's fine, but such a racket has no place in kids' games. This post features links to the best independent, progressive reporting about the economy by members of The Media Consortium. It is free to reprint. 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