In These Times interim web editor and contributing writer, Adam Doster, being a humble and stand-up guy, has not yet plugged his exciting new employer, Progress Illinois, on this here blog. So, I'll just have to go ahead and do it for him: Progress Illinois is a brand new website providing news and commentary on issues important to Illinois working families and the progressive movement at large. They'll be covering Illinois politics, with an eye toward the state's five or six tight congressional races, the presidential campaign (as long as our favorite son is still in the mix), and a host of topics that have nothing (and everything) to do with electoral politics (labor, education, the war, etc.). Considering the dearth of good online coverage of issues facing Illinois citizens, this website's more than welcome.
In what is a loss for In These Times, Adam will be moving on soon to work for Progress Illinois. But as long as Adam is still writing and blogging daily for the progressive movement, everybody wins.
Read a few of his most recent pieces by clicking the links below:
*Blueing the Collar Counties
*Hillary's Big State Hoax
*Ozinga for Congress?
*UNITE-HERE tells Trump, "You're Fired!"
Good luck, Adam.
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