Watch Mike Elk, Kari Lydersen and Jeremy Gantz discuss why labor journalism is so important right now.
Throughout the National Conference for Media Reform in Boston last weekend, Free Speech TV not only provided live coverage of keynotes speeches and panels, but also took the time to interview attendees and presenters. These included two regular Working In These Times contributors, as well as the blog’s editor.
Mike Elk told Erin Polgreen from The Media Consortium, in no uncertain terms, why he’s a labor journalist and what he thinks about the people who are pushing through the current anti-labor bills:
Kari Lydersen sat down with Laura Flanders of GRITtv fame to talk about why women are underrepresented in labor journalism and why outdated stereotypes about unions hold back sympathy for the labor movement:
Laura Flanders also spoke with Working In These Times’ Editor (and Web Editor/Associate Editor for In These Times) Jeremy Gantz, who explained why this blog exists and some of what we’ve covered recently, as well as giving some hints about the future: