ALBERTO TOSCANO is the author of Late Fascism: Race, Capitalism and the Politics of Crisis (Verso) and Terms of Disorder: Keywords for an Interregnum (Seagull). He lives in Vancouver.

Kings of Capital
The pathological personalization of power is at the core of the far Right’s rise.
Alberto Toscano

LaborViewpointElection 2024
The Profits of Fear
Trump’s mass deportation plans are a racist racket with deep roots in U.S. history and law.
Alberto Toscano

Election 2024
Liberalism Will Cost Us the Earth
Trump’s recoronation is another symptom of centrism’s global bankruptcy.
Alberto Toscano

PalestineElection 2024
Project for the Old American Century
What Harris’ embrace of the Cheneys tells us about Democrats’ worldview.
Alberto Toscano

A Fascist Specter Is Haunting America
Electoral appeals to the American worker are fueling racism against immigrants.
Alberto Toscano

ViewpointPalestineElection 2024
Genocide and the English Language
The disjunction between our political language and political reality reveals the vacuum of thought in the U.S. foreign policy establishment.
Alberto Toscano

UK Riots Have Their Roots in a History of Hate
The racism in the streets was seeded by the racism of the state.
Alberto Toscano

ViewpointElection 2024
A Right-Wing Turn to Nowhere
The banal cruelty of Europe’s “protest vote for the status quo.”
Alberto Toscano

ViewpointPalestineElection 2024
Antifascism After Gaza
Genocide abroad—and growing political repression at home—prove that the “fascism question” goes far beyond Trump.
Alberto Toscano

The War on Education—in Gaza and at Home
The Right is using Palestine to further its assault on higher ed and recruit centrists to its cause.
Alberto Toscano

ViewpointThe Right-Wing Issue
The Rise of the Far Right Is a Global Phenomenon
Facing a planetary wave of far-right authoritarianism, from Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to Argentina’s Javier Milei, the Left must learn to “organize despair.”
Alberto Toscano