Anne Elizabeth Moore is author of Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing and the Erosion of Integrity (New Press, 2007), the founding editor of the Best American Comics series, and the former editor of now-defunct Punk Planet. She teaches at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
The Lessons of the Berlin Wall
Anne Elizabeth Moore

Embedded in Pink
Code Pink has become a lightning rod for contemporary activism - from both the right and left.
Anne Elizabeth Moore

In Condemnation of Opting In
Our voices are being drowned out by our peers in the supposedly independent media, like Sonic Youth guitarist Thurston Moore, who calls Starbucks "the new record store," and music journalists like the Chicago Reader's Miles Raymer, who argued in a piece called "In Praise of Selling Out" that the music industry's decline can be "rescued by corporations that make everything but music"
Anne Elizabeth Moore

Our Profit Margin Could Be Your Life
Indie punk band HeWhoCorrupts maximizes profits by eliminating frills like melody or the standard chorus/verse/chorus structure
Anne Elizabeth Moore

Operation Pocket Full of Wishes
Cultural intervention at American Girl Place
Anne Elizabeth Moore