Barbara Ehrenreich was a journalist and author who first wrote for In These Times in 1977. Her books include Bright-sided: How Positive Thinking is Undermining America, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, and Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War. She was a regular contributor to The Progressive, Harpers, Time and In These Times, where she was a contributing editor until her passing in September 2022.

Barbara Ehrenreich’s Call for Socialist Feminism
“Feminism—despite all our efforts—is still largely a middle-class movement and ideology,” Ehrenreich wrote in 1984—words that are still relevant today.
Barbara Ehrenreich

Can Feminism Survive Class Polarization?
In 1999, Barbara Ehrenreich reflected on how the widening of the wealth gap thwarted the original goals of the feminist movement.
Barbara Ehrenreich

Working-Class Journalism in the Age of Oligarchs
Barbara Ehrenreich

Barbara Ehrenreich: America’s Blue-Collar White People Are Dying at an Astounding Rate
Could the bump in white working class deaths be the result of widespread despair?
Barbara Ehrenreich

5 Things Progressives Should Do—and Not Do
Barbara Ehrenreich
Barbara Ehrenreich: Reclaiming What Makes Us Human
Through the ages, the killjoys of governing elites have been threatened by public expressions of collective joy
Barbara Ehrenreich
A Lifelong Debt
Barbara Ehrenreich