Brian Cook was an editor at In These Times from 2003 to 2009. He now works on the editorial staff of Playboy magazine.
Brian started at the magazine as an intern in December 2001, and became editorial assistant in July 2003, and assistant editor in November 2003. In addition to contributing columns on current events, he reviews literature and has written on language in politics for the magazine.
Brian received his B.A. in English Literature from the University of Richmond, Va., in 1999. He has previously worked as a waiter, a personal care assistant at an Alzheimers’ facility, a Chicago Public School substitute teacher and a freelance question writer for Trivial Pursuit.
The Promise Keeper
Brian Cook
Et Tu, Chomsky?
Brian Cook
If You Can’t Beat Bush, Become Him
Brian Cook
Commander Kerry: Thanks, But No Thanks
Brian Cook
If This Is The Mainstream, May I Be Excused?
Brian Cook
“We Can Wipe You Out Anytime”
Brian Cook
A Call to Somnambulance
Brian Cook
Mystery Solved
Brian Cook
Disco Sucks
Brian Cook
“I Am Alive, You Are Dead”: Ralph Nader’s Political Post-Mortem
Brian Cook
“You Behold in Me a Horrid Example of Free Thought”
Brian Cook
Reagan: “Like Death Not Knowing Itself”
Brian Cook
The Dazed Over ‘Tomorrow’
Brian Cook
Iraq Intelligence Timeline
Brian Cook
The Dead Center
Brian Cook
Let’s Go Crazy
Brian Cook
A Watershed Victory
Stockton citizens thwart utilities deal
Brian Cook
Profile: Media Education Foundation
Brian Cook
Memory, Down with the Ship
Brian Cook

Loving To Hate Don DeLillo
Brian Cook
Piping Mad
Citizens stand up to water privatization
Brian Cook

Out of the Darkness
Brian Cook