If You Can’t Beat Bush, Become Him

Brian Cook

A great majority of people will undoubtedly dismiss this weeks protests at the RNC as a bunch of emaciated vegan hipsters getting together to hold angry and potentially violent demonstrations. While many of the protests occurring this week certainly fit this description, groups such as the Billionaires for Bush are using humor and sarcasm as a means to protest the Republican Party. While the group claims that it is a ???grassroots network of corporate lobbyists, decadent heiresses, and Halliburton CEO???s??? concerned with ensuring four more years of Bush, in reality the Billionaires for Bush use humorous street theater to combat the corporate cronyism of the Bush Administration. On its website, the group goes into great detail outlining how one goes about transforming into a Billionaire for Bush. They provide suggestions from suitable attire (for men they suggest a tuxedo, monocle, cumberbund, and white gloves) to choosing a name (my favorites were Reed Dickless Lee Rich III and Iona Bigga Yacht). Participants are also encouraged to have entourages of footmen, servants and butlers. The group is hosting a variety of events at this week???s convention with the hope of exposing the Bush Administration???s blatant favoritism of the corporate elite. On Tuesday, August 31st, in an event dubbed Billionaire Flashmobbing, ???unruly bands of Billionaires will roam the streets of New York, stopping for three martini lunches, spontaneous outbursts of ballroom dancing, and en-masse shining of shoes.??? Then on Wednesday, September 1st, the group will host a Coronation Ball which will feature ???possible Supreme Court justice cameos??? and a musical performance by the Bling Bling K???ching Singers. ***NOTE**** This blog was actually posted by ITT intern extrordinaire, Pallav Vora

Brian Cook was an editor at In These Times from 2003 to 2009. He now works on the editorial staff of Playboy magazine.
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