Danny Postel is North America Co-Chair of the Iran Labor Support Committees and a member of Chicago’s No War on Iran Coalition. He is communications coordinator of Interfaith Worker Justice, and a contributing editor of Logos.
Ted Smukler is Public Policy Director for Interfaith Worker Justice. He has authored several IWJ resources, including reports on worker abuse in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and For You Were Once a Stranger, IWJ’s manual on immigration and faith. For more than 20 years, he was a community organizer in the Chicago metropolitan area, working on issues such as affordable housing, school reform and parental leadership involvement, public safety and treatment for addicts.
Ted Smukler is Public Policy Director for Interfaith Worker Justice. He has authored several IWJ resources, including reports on worker abuse in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and For You Were Once a Stranger, IWJ’s manual on immigration and faith. For more than 20 years, he was a community organizer in the Chicago metropolitan area, working on issues such as affordable housing, school reform and parental leadership involvement, public safety and treatment for addicts.

‘Go Ahead, Try and Make Me Pay You’: Wage Theft and S.B. 1070
Danny Postel and Ted Smukler