Eve Ottenberg recently published a novel, Dead in Iraq (Plain View Press, 2008), and has written book reviews in the New York Times Book Review, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker’s “In Brief” section, the Baltimore Sun, USA Today, The Nation, The Washington City Paper, The Washington Post and many other newspapers and magazines.

W.W.I: The War That Begat Another
The Lost History of 1914 shows how that year began to sow the seeds of Nazism.
Eve Ottenberg

Virtual Survival
Lower U.S military casualty rates are obscuring the horrors of war.
Eve Ottenberg

Zora Neale Hurston’s Lost Decade
The Harlem Renaissance writer's obscure and impoverished final years are being rehabilitated.
Eve Ottenberg

The Princess Complex
The toy and media industries have turned girls into "hypergendered" consumers.
Eve Ottenberg

Movin’ on Up
The Warmth of Other Suns gives the Great Migration the attention it deserves.
Eve Ottenberg

A History of Slander
A new book reveals what 18th-century French libelers and contemporary journalists have in common.
Eve Ottenberg

Their Island, Our Shame
Indigenous Indian Ocean islanders were brutally displaced nearly 40 years ago to make way for a U.S. military base.
Eve Ottenberg