Hamilton Nolan is a labor writer for In These Times. He has spent the past decade writing about labor and politics for Gawker, Splinter, The Guardian, and elsewhere. More of his work is on Substack.

You can reach him at Hamilton@InTheseTimes.com. 
The AFL-CIO's Official New Goal: Continued Decline
The union federation's new organizing plan aims low. Very low.
Hamilton Nolan
Don’t Let a School Shooting Become a Story About the Police
Guns are the issue. A lot of the political establishment wants you to forget that.
Hamilton Nolan
The Amazon Labor Union Victory Shows That Jurisdiction Is Dead
No more arguing over territory or industries—we need multi-union coalitions capable of organizing on a national scale.
Hamilton Nolan
The Rip-Off Economy Will Save Itself. It Won't Save You.
Squandering our national moment of opportunity at capitalism's casino.
Hamilton Nolan
How to Jujitsu the Culture Wars
It's time to make Republicans regret that they ever posed as anti-elites.
Hamilton Nolan
One Simple Trick to Protect Workers from Inflation
Union contracts could ensure economic stability among the working class amid inflation.
Hamilton Nolan
The Mirror of War
The war in Ukraine pits America's capacity for self-reflection against our love for self-deception.
Hamilton Nolan
Biden Throws Labor a Bone, When We Need Steak
The White House's Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment suggests stronger laws are needed for fundamental change in labor movement. So where are they?
Hamilton Nolan
Sanitation Strike Not a Waste
A sanitation workers strike ended in defeat, but it was a good fight garnering national support.
Hamilton Nolan
Legalized Sports Betting Is Class War Against You
The new age of app-based gambling will do for personal finance what Facebook did for public discourse.
Hamilton Nolan
Financial Superbubble Meets Political Dystopia
The next major recession will be the final ingredient in America's poisonous post-Trump evolution.
Hamilton Nolan
The Billionaire Side Hustle That Inequality Created
An easy income stream is open to anyone who can pay the entry price. (You can't.)
Hamilton Nolan
Happy Birthday Jeff Bezos, You Bum
A cold, angry party for an absent billionaire.
Hamilton Nolan
Disturbing New Report Shows Dire Conditions For Grocery Workers
A huge new survey of Kroger employees finds homelessness, poverty, and food insecurity are widespread.
Hamilton Nolan
The Ticking Bomb of Crypto Fascism
The crypto market's inevitable crash will pull America's politics in an even scarier direction.
Hamilton Nolan
A Lot Depends on How Much of a Sociopath Joe Manchin Is
Will he watch the world burn for the sake of civility?
Hamilton Nolan
How the Mighty Culinary Union Survived the Apocalypse
After facing 98% unemployment in the depths of the pandemic, the strongest union in Las Vegas has risen again.
Hamilton Nolan
Ten Predictions For the Year Ahead in Labor
Our infallible crystal ball reveals that 2022 will make workers want to holler.
Hamilton Nolan
Columbia University Strikers Raise Hell, Saying School Plans to Illegally Replace Them
A dispute over whether the university can permanently replace striking student workers is coming to a head this week.
Hamilton Nolan
Big Panic For a Democracy That Never Was
Donald Trump is no more of a threat to democracy than the U.S. Constitution itself.
Hamilton Nolan
For Want of a Dental Plan, the Erie Strayer Strike Grinds On
Overshadowed by larger strikes, the Ironworkers picket line stretches into its third month.
Hamilton Nolan
Which Side Are You Democrats On?
Even the friendliest Democratic officials are cowards. The labor movement needs to save itself.
Hamilton Nolan
Fueled by Family Tradition, Tudor's Biscuit World Workers Seek a Rare Fast Food Union
Twenty-five employees in tiny Elkview, West Virginia have filed for a union election after just two weeks of organizing.
Hamilton Nolan
Minority Contract Ratification Is a Crime Against the Labor Movement
The IATSE disaster should never happen again.
Hamilton Nolan
The ACLU of Illinois Seeks a Playbook for Acceptable Progressive Union Busting
The staff union and management are locked in a battle over who can be included in the union.
Hamilton Nolan
Moral Panics Work
On the poisonous inability to diagnose bullshit.
Hamilton Nolan
A Billionaire: Tax on Billionaires Is "Ridiculous"
A billionaire hedge fund manager weighs in on the Democrats' proposed wealth tax.
Hamilton Nolan
We Might Get Some Great Tax Policies for Very Dumb Reasons
And that's okay.
Hamilton Nolan
Mississippi Believes It Can Be Organized. Does Anyone Else?
Under-resourced and overlooked, the South is tired of waiting for organized labor.
Hamilton Nolan
The Strike Wave Is a Big Flashing Sign That We Need More New Union Organizing
If you want more strikes, make more union members.
Hamilton Nolan
Dollar General Workers Stare Down Historic Union Vote, Vowing "We're Gonna Fight"
With little national attention, a Connecticut Dollar General store could soon help unions crack a vital low-wage industry.
Hamilton Nolan
In Middle America, Unions and Democrats Are Sleepwalking Into the Grave
By not organizing in decimated post-industrial towns, we're ceding ground to the right wing.
Hamilton Nolan
A New Group to Organize College Football Players Just Launched. Incredible Timing.
After last week's NLRB memo made the unionization of college athletes a possibility, the CFBPA could become very important.
Hamilton Nolan
The Mind-Blowing Political Potential of a College Football Players Union
A union of college athletes could become one of the strongest progressive institutions in the South.
Hamilton Nolan
Jennifer Abruzzo, the NLRB's General Counsel, Is Labor's Best Legal Friend
In an interview, Abruzzo discusses independent contractors, penalizing bad employers and what she might do to make good faith bargaining a reality in America.
Hamilton Nolan
Alabama Amazon Workers May Get Another Crack at a Union
The warehouse workers' fight enters its second round, just when everyone thought it was finished.
Hamilton Nolan
Playing Chicken With Nihilists
How progressives should deal with the incredible Democratic reconciliation debacle.
Hamilton Nolan
What Our Cultural Elites Can't Understand About Justice
The obvious solution to the "cancel culture" panic is the one that they just can't bear.
Hamilton Nolan
Buffalo Starbucks Workers Say They Will Unionize One Store At a Time
Union elections at individual stores would be a significant labor breakthrough in the fast food industry.
Hamilton Nolan
High Rise Window Cleaners, Immune to Fear, Enter Second Week of Strike
Minneapolis workers are fighting for safety standards in a risky industry.
Hamilton Nolan
Workers of Color at Major Electric Bus Company Allege Widespread Racism on the Job
Employees of New Flyer in California and Alabama say they have faced years of discrimination.
Hamilton Nolan
Donald Trump Is Personally Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of COVID Deaths
An honest look at what a single lunatic has caused.
Hamilton Nolan
At a Massive Union Rally, the Promise of a Better South
Striking mine workers in Alabama bring together the whole wide world.
Hamilton Nolan
Democrats Will Never Stop Triangulating Against Justice
Running against "defund the police" is both cowardly and wrong. Democratic leaders find that irresistible.
Hamilton Nolan
We Need a Big National Strike Fund
More successful strikes help the entire labor movement. We should pay for them together.
Hamilton Nolan
As Devastating Plant Shutdown Looms in West Virginia, National Outrage Is Hard to Find
A union set to be wiped out by layoffs says politicians are missing in action.
Hamilton Nolan
Andrew Cuomo Is Just Another Boss For John Samuelsen to Fight
The Transport Workers Union president discusses turning against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, wrestling the gig economy and why he hates the Twittersphere.
Hamilton Nolan
Landlords Are Going to Take Away All Your Wage Gains
This is what happens when you treat housing as just another market.
Hamilton Nolan
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