Max B. Sawicky is a retired economist and writer in Virginia. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

ViewpointElection 2024
Kamala Harris Can Do Better Than This
The most striking thing about the Democratic nominee’s economic platform is its timidity. She could go much further to lift up the working class.
Max B. Sawicky
The World’s Richest Just Got Extraordinarily More Wealthy—Taxing Them Doesn’t Go Nearly Far Enough
Lessening inequality isn’t the only reason to tax the super rich. We also need to decrease their political power while spending on social programs that benefit the working class.
Max B. Sawicky
Unpacking Biden’s Second Term Economic Plan
The Biden administration’s proposed 2025 budget marks a departure for Democratic incumbents.
Max B. Sawicky
A Second Trump Term Could Spell Economic Disaster
From trade wars to border policy, Trump’s plans if he wins the presidency again are set to make the U.S. economy far worse for working people.
Max B. Sawicky
It’s Time to Reclaim the Promise of Economic Rights in the U.S.
The fight for social democratic policies can help inspire a progressive resurgence in America. A new book provides a roadmap.
Max B. Sawicky
One Weird Trick to Help Solve the U.S. Housing Crisis
In a new book, Richard Kahlenberg explains that decades of arcane zoning regulations have led to our current system of high rents, restrictions on worker mobility, and racial and economic segregation.
Max B. Sawicky
Democrats Shouldn’t Fall for McCarthy’s Debt Limit Ransom Attempt
Republicans are threatening to tank the global economy if President Biden doesn’t agree to slash spending on social welfare programs. It’s a trap.
Max B. Sawicky
Biden’s New Budget Is a Progressive Opening Gambit
While Republicans are proposing to slash social programs, the White House has released a plan to boost policies that help working families while increasing taxes on the rich and corporations.
Max B. Sawicky
The Republican Party’s Plan to Fight Inflation Is a Sham
Republicans don’t have a strategy to lower costs for consumers, but they are plotting to slash the safety net.
Max B. Sawicky
Grading President Biden’s Economic Record
Rapid job growth and increased worker bargaining power are very good—there’s a whole lot more progressive policy that could be done.
Max B. Sawicky
Biden’s Student Debt Relief Plan Is a Very Good Economic Policy
The critics are wrong—cancelling student debt will actually help ease inflation and benefit working-class borrowers.
Max B. Sawicky
The Manchin-Approved Budget Bill: A Hell of a Lot Better Than Nothing
Democrats’ new reconciliation deal is far from what progressives wanted. But it could still curb climate change, advance fairness in the U.S. tax system—and boost the party’s chances in the midterms.
Max B. Sawicky
Don’t Trust the Federal Reserve on Inflation
The Fed’s plan to curb inflation rests on punishing working people—when they’re the ones in need of relief.
Max B. Sawicky
Most Price Increases from Inflation Have Gone to Corporate Profits
The inflation panic is causing some Democrats to pivot from social spending to deficit reduction. That's exactly the wrong approach.
Max B. Sawicky
The “Great Resignation” Is Just Hype
The solution to Biden’s economic problems is simple: spend more money to fuel the recovery.
Max B. Sawicky
Running Scared from Inflation Is a Recipe for Ruining the Economy
The specter of inflation is being invoked by Sen. Joe Manchin to block vital social programs in the Build Back Better bill. It's just a pretext for class war.
Max B. Sawicky
The New Inflation Scare Is the Dumbest Thing Since Voodoo Economics
Elites are sounding the alarm over threats of inflation in order to block Biden’s social spending plan. We shouldn’t fall for it.
Max B. Sawicky
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Grading Biden's Build Back Better Deal
What’s in the latest version of Biden and the Democrats’ massive social spending plan? Not everything progressives wanted, but more than might have been expected under a centrist president.
Max B. Sawicky
The Budget Reconciliation Fight Isn't Really About Progressives Vs. Moderates
Don’t believe misleading media coverage of the standoff in Congress. Here’s what’s actually going on.
Max B. Sawicky
The Infrastructure and Budget Bills Are a Watershed in U.S. Economic Doctrine
Deficit demagogy has (finally) become a fringe position in American politics—just look at the massive bills moving through Congress.
Max B. Sawicky
An Old Idea for a Guaranteed Income Is Back in Style
A new proposal for a negative income tax could eliminate poverty in the United States.
Max B. Sawicky
Democrats Are Wasting Precious Time with a Measly "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Deal
The bipartisan plan is a drop in the bucket. Democrats need to forget Republicans and pass a bold package that makes massive public investments.
Max B. Sawicky
Biden's First 100 Days Have Been a Tale of Two Presidencies
When it comes to economic issues, the Biden administration has shown some surprising progressivism. On foreign policy, not so much.
Max B. Sawicky
By All Means, Means Test
For anti-poverty benefits, defense comes first.
Max B. Sawicky
Biden Needs to Spend Big—And Fast. Here Are 4 Immediate Priorities.
Forget about the debt. Boosting the economy and sending people money isn't just good policy, it's smart politics.
Max B. Sawicky
It’s Not Just Trump: The Neoliberal Roots of the Postal Service Crisis
We should defend the Post Office, both from Trump and the ideology of austerity that treats the agency “like a business.”
Max B. Sawicky
Yes, Joe Biden Has Long Pushed Cuts to Social Security. End of Story.
Bernie Sanders is right to call out Biden’s objectionable record on cutting Social Security—no matter what Paul Krugman says.
Max B. Sawicky
Why the Left Needs To Stop Worrying and Learn To Love Impeachment
The fight for democracy can’t be left to the centrists.
Max B. Sawicky
There Are Limits to Government Spending, But We Haven’t Reached Them Yet
Max B. Sawicky
No, Pensions Aren’t All Collapsing, and We Don’t Need To Scrap Them
Max B. Sawicky