Molly Bennet is an Associate Editor at In These Times. She attended Wesleyan University and was previously a reporter for New York Magazine.

Is There Anything Wrong with GMOs?
Monsanto is malevolent, but some scientists say Frankenfoods can do good.
Molly Bennet

Dozens of Activists Arrested in Battle Against a Fracking “Gateway Drug” in New York
Residents of New York's Finger Lakes argue that gas projects would spell ecological and economic disaster for the region.
Molly Bennet

Not Your Typical Abortion Story
With 'Obvious Child,' filmmaker Gillian Robespierre says she was aiming for honesty and humor rather than 'an after-school special.'
Molly Bennet

Our Silent Spring
Fifty years after Rachel Carson's warning call, have we learned anything?
Molly Bennet