Rob Richie is the president of FairVote and a frequent contributor to many leading newspapers and television news programs. He is co-author of Every Vote Equal and Whose Votes Count.

Good Candidates Won’t Be Enough in 2020—We Must Overhaul Our Entire Voting System
There’s a growing national movement across party lines for multi-member districts and ranked-choice voting.
Rob Richie

The Case for a One-Person, One-Vote National Primary To Nominate Our Presidential Candidates in 2020
State contests would be held first to reduce the field.
Rob Richie

Pulling the Plug on Corporate Personhood
Citizens United prompted cries for a constitutional amendment. But how to amend?
Rob Richie

Rigging Democracy
Why the people won't pick the next president or Congress--unless we act now.
Rob Richie

Gerrymandering Isn’t the (Only) Problem
Redrawing district lines will never eliminate the unfair bias toward Republicans in House elections. Here's what will.
Rob Richie

Electoral College Shakeup
How Republicans could put a lock on the presidency.
Rob Richie