Sasha Lilley is a writer and radio broadcaster. She’s the co-founder and host of the critically acclaimed program of radical ideas, Against the Grain, as well as the author of Capital and Its Discontents (PM Press, 2011) and the co-author of Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth (PM Press, 2012).
While program director of KPFA Radio, the flagship station of the Pacifica Network, Lilley headed up such award-winning national broadcasts as “Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan.” She is the series editor of PM Press’ political economy imprint, Spectre. Publishers Weekly calls her 2011 book <i>Capital and Its Discontents<i> a “cool-headed but urgent volume—timely but sophisticated and wide-ranging enough to remain a longtime reference.”

For some, the end of the world can't come too soon.
Sasha Lilley