After three years of art directing In These Times--and nine years of living and studying in the Midwest--I returned to the northwest in 2005 to start Gridwork and focus solely on web design.
Interview with New Orleans Mayor
Seamus Holman
Chicago West Side Co-op
Seamus Holman
Smash That Stop Sign
Seamus Holman
Attention all weary shoppers!
Seamus Holman
Moral Values Debate on ‘Meet the Press’
Seamus Holman
The Ongoing Red vs. Blue Myth
Seamus Holman
Indymedia servers seized in UK
Seamus Holman
You want a piece of this?
Seamus Holman
Patent Busting: The 10 most wanted
Seamus Holman
Philly Mayor John Street Pushes Wireless Cloud
Seamus Holman
John Kerry Sucks Less
Seamus Holman
Can fuel efficient SUVs live up to the hype?
Seamus Holman
Cartoons at In These Times
Seamus Holman
On the fax machine this morning…
Seamus Holman
The Bush-Blair Romance
Seamus Holman
Great Magazine Cover
Seamus Holman
Candidate Rankings
Seamus Holman
Media Reform Conference Notes
Seamus Holman