Wenonah Hauter is the founder and executive director of Food & Water Watch and Food & Water Action Fund. Wenonah has three decades of experience campaigning and writing on food, water, energy and environmental issues. She has trained and mentored hundreds of organizers and activists across the country and worked at the national, state and local levels to develop policy positions and legislative and field strategies to secure real wins for communities and the environment.

The Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn't Create Nearly as Many Jobs as it Says It Does
The industry is wildly fudging the numbers to make itself look like a major job creator. We shouldn’t be fooled.
Wenonah Hauter

Biden Can't Reach His Own Climate Goals Without Banning Fracking
Trump tried—and failed—to ride fears about a fracking ban to a second term. Now Biden needs to confront fossil fuels.
Wenonah Hauter

Rural America
Like Fracking, Factory Farms Are Profitable and Ecologically Insane
Wenonah Hauter

Meet the European Petrochemical Giant Trying to Profit from the Fracking of Pennsylvania
The controversial Mariner East 2 pipeline would carry gas liquids for plastics production overseas.
Wenonah Hauter