Doug Henwood is the editor of Left Business Observer and the host of Behind the News. He is also the author of Wall Street: How It Works and For Whom and After the New Economy: The Binge … And the Hangover That Won’t Go Away.

What the GameStop Bubble Reveals About Our Monstrous Financial System
The online pranksters behind the great GameStop bubble of 2021 are probably going to lose a lot of money. But they’ve done the world a service by reminding us of the absurdity of the stock market.
Doug Henwood

NY Times Rounds Up ‘Left-Leaning Economists’ Opposed to Bernie Sanders for a Unicorn Hunt
So slight is these economists' leftward lean that it would require very sensitive equipment to measure.
Doug Henwood

The Wall Street Journal Wants You To Be Afraid of Bernie Sanders’ Budget Proposal. Don’t Be.
If anything, Bernie should be thinking bigger.
Doug Henwood

In the Information Economy, Workers Are Far From Obsolete
Doug Henwood

Union Membership Is Down Again—But It Still Pays To Be a Member
Doug Henwood