
Striking Alabama Miners Are Done Playing Nice
Hundreds of UMWA miners remain on the picket line at the Warrior Met Coal mine.

A Wisconsin Hog Farm Would Produce 9.4 Million Gallons of Manure a Year. Nearby Residents Live in Fear.
Crawford County is up against Roth Feeder Pig II, which would be the largest hog CAFO in the state and could permanently pollute local aquifers.
Hannah Faris

The GOP Has Declared a War on Protests
Republican state legislators across 34 states have introduced more than 80 bills this year that criminalize protesting or protect those who harm protesters.
Amara Enyia and Jamecia Gray

NYC's Delivery Drivers Want Employee Status, and Nothing Less
App-based workers have struggled to secure stronger labor protections. A new state bill could set them back years.
Luis Feliz Leon

When These Workers Unionized, Their Cafe Was Put Up for Sale—So They Bought It
In 10 months, baristas at White Electric, a coffee shop in Providence, went from unionizing their workplace to starting one of only a few dozen worker-owned cafes in the country.
Harry August

We're Living With the Consequences of Rich Nations' Vaccine Hoarding
The Biden administration has finally backed a patent waiver for Covid vaccines, but it's already too late for Argentina and countless countries across the Global South.
Jacob Sugarman

DispatchRural America
"It's a Nightmare": Inside America's Rural Housing Crisis
Across Wisconsin, low-income people are struggling to find quality, affordable housing.
Jack Kelly

How Police "Gang Databases" Are Being Used to Wage War on Immigrants
Wearing a certain colored hat or sporting the wrong tattoo can be enough to get somebody in the system—and eventually deported.
Maurizio Guerrero

In Rochester, A Police Alternative Delivers ... Police
Activists were excited about the launch of a new Person in Crisis team in a city that's suffered a string of police violence incidents—but so far, it's fallen short on its promises.
Sam Mellins

Nina Turner Hopes to Move Ohio Left
The "daughter of Cleveland" and former Bernie Sanders surrogate is running for Congress on a platform that includes a $15 minimum wage, recurring stimulus checks and free public college.
Nuala Bishari

The UK's Vaccine Rollout Is the Latest Reminder We Need Universal Healthcare
Britain's vaccination rate has far outpaced the rest of the West. The triumph belongs to its National Health Service.
Natasha Hakimi Zapata

New Hampshire Republicans Are Using Covid to Ram Through Right-to-Work Legislation
Lawmakers in the state have blocked the legislation for years, but a radicalized GOP appears bent on pushing it through.
C.M. Lewis

Migrant Detainees Find Little Relief Under Biden
Despite a change in rhetoric, deportations of migrants continue under President Biden.
Maurizio Guerrero

The Young Socialists' School-to-Union Pipeline
Members of the Democratic Socialists of America are embracing the "rank and file strategy."
Indigo Olivier

DispatchRural America
Indigenous Water Protectors Face Off Against the “Pandemic Pipeline”
Biden halted Keystone XL, but Enbridge’s Line 3 would pipe the same tar sands oil into the U.S. and across Anishinaabe treaty lands.
Clara Liang

Going Hungry in the Most Magical Place on Earth
Disney World's union workers, running out of federal aid, are banding together to keep each other afloat.
Hamilton Nolan

The Trump Administration's Cruelty Haunts Our Virtual Immigration Courts
How “judicial black sites” have come to shape our immigration system.
Arvind Dilawar

Here's Why the People Who Pick Our Food Are Going Hungry During Covid
Historic discrimination has left farmworkers with fewer protections than other workers, a practice known as agricultural exceptionalism.
Allison Salerno

Protesters at Biden Philly HQ Demand Student Debt Relief on Day One
"Biden owes this city," say Philadelphia activists
Mindy Isser

Workers Resist Pandemic-Era Disaster Capitalism in Ecuador
The Ecuador government took advantage of the pandemic to slash workers’ rights.
Kimberley Brown

From Student Debtor to Soldier
How the student loan debt crisis forces low-income students of color into the military.
Anna Attie

With Gigs Canceled and No Relief, Musicians Form a Nationwide Union
This is what solidarity sounds like.
Liz Pelly

Why the South Is Organizing Its Own Green New Deal
Amid devastating hurricanes, oil spills and refinery fires, the Gulf South pushes for a Green New Deal that will meet its needs.
Casey Williams

The Climate Movement’s Reckoning with Black Lives Matter
For far too long, the climate movement has ignored the needs of the people most impacted by the climate crisis. That's changing.
Camille Williams