Vince Quiles
The wave of grassroots worker organizing is spreading to different industries and businesses around the country, including those that have notoriously resisted any and all unionization efforts in the past. The Home Depot, the single largest home improvement retail company in the US, is one of those businesses, and there is a union drive underway as we speak at a store in Philadelphia. As Johan Furman writes at More Perfect Union, "On Monday, September 19, workers filed a petition to organize a union among 276 workers at a Home Depot in northeast Philadelphia. If successful, the independent union would be the first at the home repair chain, the fifth-largest private employer in the U.S." We talk to Vince Quiles, who's worked at the northeast Philly store for five years and is one of the worker-organizers leading the drive to become the first unionized Home Depot location in the country.
Additional links/info below...
- THDworkersUnite Twitter page
- Vince's Twitter page
- Johan Furman, More Perfect Union, "Workers Plan to Renovate Home Depot with a Union"
- Max Marin, The Philadelphia Inquirer, "Home Depot Workers in Northeast Philly Allege ‘Surveillance,’ Other Union-Busting Tactics Ahead of Election"
- Breaking Points, "Home Depot Workers REVOLT After Massive Stock Buyback"
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- Working People Patreon page
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Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive:
- Jules Taylor, "Working People Theme Song