
The cover of a book reads, “Dismantling Green Colonialism: Energy and Climate Justice in the Arab Region.” At the bottom of the cover, there’s a picture of women sitting down in a desert, one of them holding a megaphone. In front of the book, there’s a picture of Hamza Hamouchene with his arms crossed and of Manal Shqair smiling.
Israel & PalestineInterviewClimate
From Gaza to Atlanta, There is No Climate Justice on Occupied Land
An interview with Hamza Hamouchene and Manal Shqair on the militarization of climate politics
Ivonne Ortiz
LaborIsrael & PalestineInterviewPodcast
The New York Supreme Court Just Blocked a Union From Voting on a Pro-Palestine Resolution
In a seemingly unprecedented move, the NY Supreme Court just granted a temporary restraining order preventing members of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys – UAW Local 2325 from even voting on a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Maximillian Alvarez
UPS and Autoworkers Are Inspiring a Wave of Worker Militancy. Who’s Next?
The UAW reached tentative agreements with each of Detroit's Big Three automakers. Workers around the country are watching.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
LaborIsrael & PalestineInterviewPodcast
"I Want American Workers to Be United to Make the Occupation Costly, to Make the Israeli Apartheid Costly."
Palestinian activist Issa Amro calls on U.S. workers to fight for for justice and an end to the occupation.
Maximillian Alvarez
Israel & PalestineInterview
Democrats Cannot "Have Double Standards": An Interview With State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
Rashid, the first Palestinian in the Illinois General Assembly, talks with Nashwa Bawab about Gaza, Biden, Wadea Al-Fayoume, and the settler attack on his childhood home of Turmusaya.
Nashwa Bawab
No es una “crisis migratoria". Es una crisis de desinversión.
Los Venezolanos impulsados hacia el norte por el imperialismo estadounidense llegaron a una ciudad destrozada por el neoliberalismo.
Lilian Jiménez
Cruelties Collide for Migrants in Chicago
Venezuelans driven north by U.S. imperialism landed in a city decimated by neoliberalism.
Lilian Jiménez
InterviewEn Español
La Política Estadounidense Impulsó la Migración de Venezolanos
Un legado de imperialismo y antisocialismo estadounidense llevó a miles de inmigrantes a los pisos de las estaciones policiales en Chicago.
Lilian Jiménez
Israel & PalestineInterview
“I Was Sent Here to Fight for Shared Humanity”: Rep. Delia Ramirez on Why She Backs a Cease-Fire in Israel and Palestine
In These Times Executive Editor Ari Bloomekatz and Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.) discuss the urgency of a cease-fire, a progressive approach to foreign policy, and why Marjorie Taylor Greene poses such a threat to everyday Americans.
Ari Bloomekatz and Delia Ramirez
A man bottle-feeds an infant among strollers and sleeping bags.
How the U.S. Drove Venezuelans North
A relentless history of U.S. imperialism and anti-socialism brought thousands of migrants to the floors of Chicago police stations.
Lilian Jiménez
Striking Autoworkers Have Made Major Strides. They’re Not Done Yet.
Lisa Xu and Chris Budnick on the power of worker organizing—and the UAW’s newfound militance.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
Mass Protest Hasn’t Won the Change We Need. What Comes Next?
Reporter Vincent Bevins on his new book, If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and The Missing Revolution.
Maximillian Alvarez
Israel & PalestineInterview
From Palestine to the Black South, Abolition Journalism is Exposing Injustice
Scalawag editor-in-chief, Sherronda J. Brown, on love, Palestine and the liberatory promise of horror
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
The UAW Fight is an Exercise in Class Struggle Unionism
UAW President Shawn Fain has said that “corporate greed” is the enemy, and autoworkers are fighting back.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
A Government Shutdown Would Shutter the NLRB. That’s Bad News for Striking Workers.
A government shutdown would place NLRB workers on furlough, leaving striking workers without a crucial ally in their fight.
Maximillian Alvarez
South Korea Declared War on Unions. Workers Are Fighting Back.
In the face of widespread repression, South Korean workers are rising up for fair pay and labor protections.
Maximillian Alvarez
Autoworkers Are Fighting for the Future of the Industry
Stagnant pay and hazardous conditions have driven autoworkers at the Big Three to organize.
Maximillian Alvarez
The Chicago Teachers Union Won Big. What Comes Next?
Chicago Teachers Union president Stacy Davis Gates on the Johnson administration, school privatization, and fighting for immigrant families.
Jim Daley
Autoworkers Aren't Afraid of a Strike
“It's not about protecting the American dream or fighting for the American dream. It's literally like resuscitating it from the dead.”
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
West Virginia University Administrators Just Announced Massive Layoffs. Campus Workers Aren’t Going Down Without a Fight.
The new WVU budget slashes nearly 10% of majors and 7% of all faculty, but campus workers are fighting back.
Maximillian Alvarez
Sara Nelson: Attacks on Abortion Rights Are Attacks on All Workers
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson on abortion rights, building union density, and the sham of “corporate benevolence.”
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
FeatureInterviewThe Socialism Issue
You Can’t Be a Socialist Alone: Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Two intellectual and movement leaders talk candidly about the growing mass rejection of capitalism—and the challenges of converting that into real socialist organization.
Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
UPS Teamsters Voted to Ratify Their Contract, Ending High-Profile Negotiations and Averting a Strike
The union voted to ratify the contract by 86.3%.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
UPS Teamsters Voted to Ratify Their Contract, Ending High-Profile Negotiations and Averting a Strike
The union voted to ratify the contract by 86.3%.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh
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