Inside ITT

No Cop City Anywhere
Chicago’s #NoCopAcademy campaign and #StopCopCity in Atlanta are part of the same movement: to end violent policing, protect the environment and defend Black and brown lives.
Benji Hart

A Looming Court Case Threatens Native Sovereignty
“As long as non-Natives feel they have the right to ‘rescue’ our children when they don’t even understand the culture, nor do they understand the strengths of tribal communities, they are doing damage.”
Carly Graf

“Good Intentions Have Never Been Enough”
Under the guise of 'rehabilitation,' Chicago's 200 year history of jail reform has only ever justified repression.
Melanie Newport

She Refused To Take a Drug Test Before Getting a Workplace Injury Treated—And Was Fired
A worker's arm was mangled in a machine. Before treatment, a manager requested a drug test.
Sarah Lazare

The End of the Warrior Met Strike and the Utter Failure of the Democratic Imagination
The Democratic Party blows its chance in Alabama.
Hamilton Nolan

Anime Voice Actors Speak Out: It’s Not Kawaii When We Aren’t Paid
The union drive in anime dubbing.
Rohan Montgomery

Tesla Workers Announced a Union Drive. The Next Day They Were Fired.
More than 30 workers at a Tesla facility in New York were fired after going public with a union campaign. It’s the latest in a long line of alleged labor abuses by CEO Elon Musk.
Jeff Schuhrke

Your Smartphone Has a Human Cost
Cobalt Red examines the tech-fueled "modern-day slavery" in the Congo
Siddharth Kara

LaborCover Story
The Case for Nationalizing the Railroads
Workers say now is the time to do the impossible.
Kari Lydersen

To Prevent Future Rail Tragedies, We Need to Nationalize the Rail System
“Corporate greed [is] turning railroads into banks to extract billions and billions of dollars from what should be critical infrastructure.”
Sarah Lazare

Game Workers Are About To Take On The Biggest Boss Fight Of All
Long hours, stagnant wages: a look at the landslide of union interest across the industry.
Stephen Franklin

Transphobic Violence Doesn’t Happen in a Vacuum
Anti-trans hate follows an escalating script. It’s up to all of us to disrupt it.
Heron Greenesmith

Americans Still Want—And Need—Medicare for All
The number of uninsured Americans has dropped to an all-time low. But that fact obscures the failures of our patchwork, profit-driven healthcare system.
Sonali Kolhatkar

Employers Steal Up to $50 Billion From Workers Every Year. It’s Time to Reclaim It.
A recent victory over wage theft shows what workers everywhere need to claw back their stolen pay—support, resources and enforcement.
Mindy Isser

This Valentine’s Day, Let’s Look to Marxists to Reimagine Love, Romance and Sex
It's not you, it's capitalism.
Sarah Jaffe

A Pipeline Brings Gas and Revolt to Southern Italy
“We thought nothing like this could happen in Italy until we found ourselves right in the middle of it.”
Alessandra Bergamin

Where Do Railroad Workers Go from Here?
Four railroad workers discuss Congress’s handling of the rail contract dispute, and how Wall Street’s destruction of the freight rail system is only going to get worse for workers, shippers, and all of us.
Maximillian Alvarez

How to Stop AI From Eating Journalism
Ethical standards can also save a lot of human jobs.
Hamilton Nolan