
Unions and Workers Are Increasingly Demanding a Cease-Fire and an End to Gaza Siege
“The rising escalation of war and arms sales doesn't serve the interests of workers anywhere.”
Luis Feliz Leon and Alexandra Bradbury

Striking Autoworkers Have Made Major Strides. They’re Not Done Yet.
Lisa Xu and Chris Budnick on the power of worker organizing—and the UAW’s newfound militance.
Teddy Ostrow and Ruby Walsh

Mass Protest Hasn’t Won the Change We Need. What Comes Next?
Reporter Vincent Bevins on his new book, If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and The Missing Revolution.
Maximillian Alvarez

God Is on the Side of Autoworkers
The UAW’s fight is a righteous one and President Shawn Fain knows that “with faith the size of even a mustard seed, people can move a mountain.”
William J. Barber II

The U.S. Labor Voices Opposing Military Aid to Israel
“U.S. military aid going in is pouring gasoline onto a fire. It encourages that there be military solutions, and military solutions will get more people killed.”
Jeff Schuhrke and Sarah Lazare

Republicans Are Using Anti-China Rhetoric to Undercut Striking UAW Workers’ Demands
Rather than actually supporting auto workers in their strike against billionaire CEOs at the Big Three, GOP officials are instead using the labor action to rail against electric vehicles and stoke conflict with China.
Jeff Schuhrke and Sarah Lazare

Striking Autoworkers Remember Broken Promises
Workers at the Big Three agreed to major concessions as part of the auto bailout of 2009. Fourteen years later, with business booming, they’re on strike to demand what they lost—and more.
Alice Herman

“This Just Cost You Kentucky Truck Plant": UAW Announces Major Surprise Strike
Some 8,700 additional auto workers walked off the job on Wednesday in a critical escalation of the Stand-Up Strike.
Keith Brower Brown

“Is This a Union Town or What?” Chicago's Transformative Role in the Labor Movement—Past and Present—Fuels UAW Rally
Mayor Brandon Johnson and local, national and international labor leaders joined United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain at a rally for striking autoworkers and allies at the Local 551 union hall.
Maia McDonald

UAW Scores Major Victory, GM to Put EV Battery Plants in National Contract
While the UAW's strike against the Big Three is ongoing and bargaining continues, union president Shawn Fain announced an important victory.
Luis Feliz Leon