
Stop Buying Holiday Gifts for Your Boss
A third of U.S. workers say they buy presents for their manager. It’s time to end this predatory ritual once and for all.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Labor Activists Want to Know Why Workers Were Left to Die in Extreme Tornadoes
Grief, anger, and demands for answers after tornadoes kill at least 14 U.S. workers.
Jeff Schuhrke
How the Mighty Culinary Union Survived the Apocalypse
After facing 98% unemployment in the depths of the pandemic, the strongest union in Las Vegas has risen again.
Hamilton Nolan
Ten Predictions For the Year Ahead in Labor
Our infallible crystal ball reveals that 2022 will make workers want to holler.
Hamilton Nolan
A Buffalo Starbucks Worker Talks About Why He Wants a Union
A conversation with Brian Murray, one of the Buffalo workers, and journalist Jordan Chariton, who recently traveled to Buffalo to speak with Starbucks workers.
Maximillian Alvarez
Columbia University Strikers Raise Hell, Saying School Plans to Illegally Replace Them
A dispute over whether the university can permanently replace striking student workers is coming to a head this week.
Hamilton Nolan
For Want of a Dental Plan, the Erie Strayer Strike Grinds On
Overshadowed by larger strikes, the Ironworkers picket line stretches into its third month.
Hamilton Nolan
Which Side Are You Democrats On?
Even the friendliest Democratic officials are cowards. The labor movement needs to save itself.
Hamilton Nolan
These Tortilla Workers Walked Out and Won a Day Off Work
Gathered outside Chicago's flagship El Milagro taqueria, workers remembered those who died from Covid-19—and celebrated a victory that granted them Sundays off.
Jeff Schuhrke
The Union Busters on Starbucks’ Board of Directors
Starbucks is trying to crush a groundbreaking organizing drive. A closer look at the company reveals a board of directors stacked with anti-worker executives.
Derek Seidman
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