Bedtime for Bobos
Craig Aaron

Notes to a Young Feminist
Dorothy Allison

A Crucial Coalition
Women, progressives must march for rights
Eleanor Smeal
Fund Fight
Progressive 527s fend off Republican attacks
Nicholas Halverson
Coalition to Community
Barbara Ransby

Feminisms Future
Young feminists of color take the mic
Daisy Hernández and Pandora L. Leong
The Women Have It
Jessica Clark

Confronting the Mommy Myth
Susan J. Douglas

Incredible Credibility
Richard Clarke’s decision to step out publicly and write Against All Enemies is more shocking than the revelations within
Jason Vest
The Task at Hand
Will Cheney’s secret energy meetings see the light?
Brian H. Kehrl

Outside the Inside
Frida Berrigan
Death of the Cool
Ana Marie Cox
Shades of 1983
Salim Muwakkil

No Choiceђ
Wal-Mart prepares to bury the left under a mountain of money
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Halfway There
Cynthia Moothart

Strange Motives
What was the logic behind Israel’s assassination of the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas?
Neve Gordon

Bought and Paid For
Who’s behind the president’s fundraising machine—and what they expect in return
Craig Aaron
Smear Campaign
Fear and suspicion in El Salvador
Paul Brohaugh