The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

Elites Are Clueless, and so on
Kurt Vonnegut's words live on.
In These Times Editors

How Private Equity Gave Rise to a New Power Elite
The dominance of predatory financial firms has allowed a class of super-rich investors to exert vast control over our economic and political lives.
Heather Gautney

When Cops Tell You Who They Are, Listen
A cartoonist illustrates police union leaders’ statements, in their own words.
Johnny Damm

As Afghans Suffer, U.S. Stalls on Plan to Return Central Bank Funds
In September, the U.S. created a foundation that was supposed to unfreeze Afghanistan's foreign assets. Yet, interviews with trustees reveal that, in three months, no funds have been disbursed—or concrete plans made—to help the Afghan people.
Sarah Lazare

10 Predictions for Labor in 2023
AI's menace, institutional failures and a labor movement basking in energy not seen in decades.
Hamilton Nolan

ViewpointEn Español
Título 42 fue un desastre. Lo que sigue no se ve mucho mejor.
La terminación ordenada por la corte del Título 42 marca un paso importante hacia la restauración del acceso a las protecciones humanitarias en la frontera. Pero la administración de Biden debe hacer más para luchar contra el legado racista del programa.
Azadeh Shahshahani y Chiraayu Gosrani

Title 42 Was a Disaster. What’s Next Doesn’t Look Much Better.
The court-ordered termination of Title 42 marks an important step toward restoring access to humanitarian protections at the border. But the Biden administration must do more to fight the program's racist legacy.
Chiraayu Gosrani and Azadeh Shahshahani

The Biggest Strike in Starbucks' History Is Underway
Starbucks workers at around 100 stores have begun a national three-day walk out, the union campaign’s largest action yet.
Jeff Schuhrke

Debt Ceiling Deja Vu
Then and now, how does the bipartisan embrace of austerity help working people?
In These Times Editors

UC Grads' Bargaining Committee Drops Core Demands, Sparking Rank-and-File Activism
Strategic differences come to the fore as the largest higher education strike in the country's history enters its second month
Indigo Olivier

The Republican Party’s Plan to Fight Inflation Is a Sham
Republicans don’t have a strategy to lower costs for consumers, but they are plotting to slash the safety net.
Max B. Sawicky

What Today's Labor Reformers Can Learn From a Rank-and-File Coal Miners' Victory 50 Years Ago
Labor militants ousted entrenched leadership at the mine workers’ union in 1972. Current organizers can take lessons from both the challenges and successes of the historic campaign.
Steve Early

Inflation Misinformation
Inflation myths only benefit the rich.
Rick Perlstein

Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan

Elon Musk’s Takeover Through The Eyes of Twitter’s Janitors
Three weeks before the holidays, Twitter laid off its custodial staff. We spoke to them on what they saw at HQ.
Teddy Ostrow

FeatureInvestigationGoodman Institute
The City That Kicked Cops Out of Schools and Tried Restorative Practices Instead
Here’s what happens when a school rethinks punishment.
Andy Kopsa

Remember El Mozote
On December 11, 1981, El Salvador’s US-backed soldiers carried out one of the worst massacres in the history of the Americas at El Mozote.
Micah Uetricht and Branko Marcetic

ViewpointRural America
Oil Companies Have Plundered Louisiana's Coast. They Owe Us Reparations.
Native and Black communities suffering the most from coastal damage need reparations for past abuse while we fight for systemic change.
Courtney Naquin