The Movement for Black Lives Issue Takeover

When Scabs Are a Danger to Public Health
United Metro Energy is risking an environmental catastrophe in Brooklyn as billionaire CEO John Catsimatidis stalls union negotiations.
Halsey Hazzard

Rural America
When Conservation Means Fencing Out Black Farmers
In southern Illinois, conservation groups see a chance to protect rare oak savannas. Black farmers and hunters see their way of life being bought out from under them.
Tony Briscoe

Big Pharma’s Big Lie About Vaccine Patents
Companies say that sharing vaccine recipes wouldn't boost manufacturing soon enough, but now we know that's not true.
Sarah Lazare and Paige Oamek

Moral Panics Work
On the poisonous inability to diagnose bullshit.
Hamilton Nolan

Expectant Parents Travel Hours for Wisconsin Midwives While in Labor
Covid-19 Exacerbates the Illinois Midwife Shortage
Emma McAleavy

Solidarity and Togetherness During These Bleak Times
A special conversation with close friends of the Working People podcast.
Maximillian Alvarez

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Grading Biden's Build Back Better Deal
What’s in the latest version of Biden and the Democrats’ massive social spending plan? Not everything progressives wanted, but more than might have been expected under a centrist president.
Max B. Sawicky

Public Money is Pouring Into Broadband Expansion. Will It Go Where It’s Needed Most?
Rural communities in Wisconsin scramble to use tidal wave of public funding.
Peter Cameron

The Long, Troubling Career of Buffalo's Byron Brown
The career trajectory of Byron Brown is familiar to U.S. cities: a young reformer who took on the city's corrupt establishment—and who soon embodied the very establishment he'd run against.
Branko Marcetic

Sorry, Biden: There Is No “National Security” Solution to the Climate Crisis
The Biden administration is turning to agencies like the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security to shore up climate action.
Sarah Lazare

No, the Strike Wave Is Not About Vaccine Mandates
The recent spate of militant labor action has been over workers demanding better pay and working conditions—not opposing Covid vaccine requirements.
Jeff Schuhrke

How to Protect Time Off in a Remote Work World
Legislating the "right to disconnect" could help prevent wage theft in a virtual environment that has blurred the line between work and home.
In These Times Editors

A Billionaire: Tax on Billionaires Is "Ridiculous"
A billionaire hedge fund manager weighs in on the Democrats' proposed wealth tax.
Hamilton Nolan

We’re About to Pass Up a Generational Opportunity to Stem the Climate Crisis
The Build Back Better program isn’t just inadequate on climate—it may be a disaster. Here’s what movements are demanding next.
Basav Sen

The U.S. Turned Jewish Refugees Away During The Holocaust. Its Refugee Policy Hasn't Changed Much Since.
The United States says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"—unless they don't look or act like me.
Rick Perlstein

Shahana Hanif, Socialist Feminist Organizer, Is About to Make History
From the start, the campaign worked to harness the power of an under-tapped activist community of Bangladeshi women—inspiring a new generation of organizers.
Ria Modak

We Might Get Some Great Tax Policies for Very Dumb Reasons
And that's okay.
Hamilton Nolan

Joe Manchin Is the One with an "Entitlement Mentality"
By refusing to support a massively popular social spending plan, Manchin is showing just how out of step he is with the American public and his own voters—like a modern day Marie Antoinette.
Celine-Marie Pascale