The Socialism Issue

In These Times magazine was founded in 1976 on the recognition of “the urgency of moving toward socialism.”
Forty-seven years later, that urgency is more obvious than ever. The global economy is in tumult. The world is literally on fire.
And yet it’s a paradoxical moment. Interest in socialism is sky-high but recruitment has slowed since the “Bernie boom.” There’s new energy in the labor movement but also a dangerously ascendant far-Right.
In the August/September 2023 issue, the first-ever devoted entirely to socialism, In These Times invited Barbara Ransby, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Astra Taylor, Alex Han, Malaika Jabali and other radical thinkers to consider these paradoxes and how to organize on shifting ground. We also report on socialism’s emergence in unexpected places, from churches to libraries to shop floors.