The Wisconsin Idea

Afghanistan and Beyond: End U.S. War-Making Everywhere
We need a reinvigorated anti-war movement.
Azadeh Shahshahani
Communities Near Fort McCoy Work to Welcome Afghan refugees
Residents of the communities surrounding Fort McCoy have been working to welcome the thousands of Afghan refugees who just moved next door.
Henry Redman
"We Are Emptying Out Their Shelves": Nabisco Workers’ 5-Week Strike Won by Shutting Down Business as Usual
A beaten-down workforce took on a powerful company—and won.
Stephen Franklin
Playing Chicken With Nihilists
How progressives should deal with the incredible Democratic reconciliation debacle.
Hamilton Nolan
Occupy Wall Street, Ten Years After
In 2011, Occupy organizers spoke with In These Times about challenges and opportunities. Ten years later, we look back on the decentralized, grassroots uprising.
In These Times Editors
Occupy Wall Street Trained a Generation in Class War
How OWS shaped a decade of dramatic protests and why it has run its course.
Arun Gupta
Massachusetts May Become First State to Send Money to Low-Income Countries to Deal With Climate Change
A groundbreaking bill would provide funding from U.S. residents to help developing nations respond to the climate crisis.
Rachel M. Cohen
A Lead Problem Worse Than Flint's
Hundreds of thousands of lead service lines in Wisconsin are a threat to public health, and communities of color are particularly vulnerable.
Susan Shain
Talking to Bourbon Workers on the Picket Line
A conversation with Matt Aubrey, president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 23D.
Maximillian Alvarez
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