The Wisconsin Idea

Afro-Indigenous People in Honduras Are Being Forcibly Displaced. Washington Is Complicit.
Many would-be migrants, like the Garifuna, would love nothing more than to stay in our homes. It’s Washington that’s making it difficult.
Miriam Miranda
The U.S. Finally Found a Way to Reduce Child Poverty. Why Are Some Democrats Opposed?
While the expanded child tax credit has been a win-win for families and the economy, conservative Democrats in Congress are still finding ways to undermine it.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Sally Rooney’s Latest Novel Shows There’s No Room for Marxism in the Professional-Managerial Class
Not every college-educated professional gets to be wealthy. <i>Beautiful World, Where Are You</i> dramatizes the internal class conflict brewing among upper-middle class elites.
Sohale Andrus Mortazavi
The Small-Town Beekeeper Facing Down Big Ag
A conversation with rural Wisconsin beekeeper Kristy Lynn Allen.
Maximillian Alvarez
The Momnibus Act Protects Wisconsin’s Black Babies from a Premature Death
The proposed legislation would achieve what “bias” training alone does not.
Kavin Senapathy
ViewpointRural America
Mourn the Extinct, Fight like Hell for the Living — a Wildlife Reporter’s Plea
The 23 species declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service show us how much we have to lose. They should also motivate us to fight to stop further loss.
John R. Platt
In Middle America, Unions and Democrats Are Sleepwalking Into the Grave
By not organizing in decimated post-industrial towns, we're ceding ground to the right wing.
Hamilton Nolan
Wisconsin Lawmakers Propose $25 Million Package to Help Farmers
The proposed bills would create stronger connections between farmers and local institutions such as schools, hospitals and food banks; increase access to mental health services.
Henry Redman
A New Group to Organize College Football Players Just Launched. Incredible Timing.
After last week's NLRB memo made the unionization of college athletes a possibility, the CFBPA could become very important.
Hamilton Nolan
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