The Wisconsin Idea

Don't Just Send People Money During a Pandemic—Do It All the Time
The evidence is in: Sending out direct cash payments has been a full-blown success—and we can’t afford to stop.
Jim Pugh
Let's Not Forget the Suffering the United States Has Inflicted on Guatemala
In July 1996, In These Times documented the CIA's myriad abuses during the Guatemalan Civil War. It's a history that Vice President Kamala Harris has conveniently ignored.
In These Times Editors
The GOP Has Declared a War on Protests
Republican state legislators across 34 states have introduced more than 80 bills this year that criminalize protesting or protect those who harm protesters.
Amara Enyia and Jamecia Gray
Rural America
How Cuts to Unemployment Benefits Will Hurt Rural People
Republican governors in at least 22 states are ending federal unemployment assistance. The cuts will hit hard in rural areas and communities of color.
Aallyah Wright
Secret IRS Files Reveal Just How Little the Wealthiest Pay in Income Tax
Documents obtained by ProPublica show billionaires like Elon Musk contribute a pittance relative to their earnings—and sometimes nothing at all.
Jesse Eisinger, Jeff Ernsthausen and Paul Kiel
Democrats Don't Grasp That Unions Can Transform the Electorate
Unions are machines for producing people who wouldn't be satisfied with Joe Manchin's obstinance.
Hamilton Nolan
RIP Jack Terricloth (1970-2021) of the World/Inferno Friendship Society
Raise a glass to toast the life and legacy of an anti-capitalist, cabaret punk iconoclast.
A.M. Gittlitz
Universal Child Care Could Revolutionize the Economy
The pandemic has exposed the utter lack of support for working parents. Universal child care is a completely workable solution.
In These Times Editors
Rural America
In the Southeast, Climate Change Finds a Landscape Already Ravaged by Inequality
Meet the groups demanding climate justice that fits the region's unique needs.
Paul Gordon
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