The Wisconsin Idea

LaborRural America
For Farmworkers, the Fight for the 8-Hour Day Isn’t Over
Federal labor laws exclude farmworkers from overtime pay and other protections. After years of advocacy by farm labor groups, lawmakers in Oregon, Washington and Colorado are working to change that.
Alex Brown
No Evil But Plenty of Union Busting at Vegan Food Company
Two former workers at No Evil Foods in Asheville, North Carolina, sound off on the company's recent layoffs.
Maximillian Alvarez
The GOP's Assault on Democracy Demands a Third Reconstruction
Voter suppression threatens the American experiment as we know it. History tells us that hope rests on our ability to mobilize the masses.
Rev. Liz Theoharis
Democrats Are Wasting Precious Time with a Measly "Bipartisan" Infrastructure Deal
The bipartisan plan is a drop in the bucket. Democrats need to forget Republicans and pass a bold package that makes massive public investments.
Max B. Sawicky
How To Murder a Good Idea With Conventional Wisdom
"Defund the police" is a completely rational policy prescription. Political pundits don't care.
Hamilton Nolan
India Walton, Buffalo's Black Socialist Mayor to Be, Is About to Make History
Walton, a longtime community organizer, won a stunning primary victory over the Democratic incumbent in Buffalo, New York where she’s poised to usher in a new era of municipal socialism.
Nick Vachon
Chicago Nurses Are Going on Strike—And Management Is Bringing in Scabs Through a Text Blast
Nurses and support staff in the Chicago area are joining other militant healthcare workers across the country by walking off the job, despite attempts by their bosses to hire strikebreakers.
Jeff Schuhrke
One Way to Boost Workers and the Labor Movement? Give Unions Power Over Unemployment Insurance.
A reform from Belgium in the early 1900s would both increase unemployment insurance benefits and decrease the cost of labor organizing. It’s time for the U.S. to embrace it.
Francisco Diez
A Charter School Named For the Author of "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" Is Union Busting
At Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School in Massachusetts, teachers say a hostile administration is trying to crush their union.
Hamilton Nolan
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