The Wisconsin Idea
FeatureRural America
In Dairy Country, a Network of Hmong and Latino Workers Fight Covid-19
Dairy production in Wisconsin relies on immigrant labor, a contradiction in a state that has seen the rise of nativist, anti-immigrant politics.
Esther Honig
Get Rid of No-Strike Clauses and Stop Begging
The right to strike is the only thing that gives working people power. Let's stop bargaining it away.
Hamilton Nolan
The Congresspeople Standing Up for Their Trans Children
Trans people, who face relentless attacks on their right to exist, are nearly absent in federal representation. Reps. Marie Newman and Pramila Jayapal, both parents to trans kids, have their backs.
Heron Greenesmith
On the Air with All (or Most) Things Considered
To mark the 50th anniversary of National Public Radio, we revisit this 1979 story on the station and its flagship program "All Things Considered," which at the time was known as "Sesame Street for adults."
Beth Bogart
This Old Steel Mill Town is Now a Hub for Green Energy
Sick of poison runoff and toxic beaches, a former steel town near Baltimore fights for clean jobs.
Dharna Noor
Rural America
As Meatpackers Stoked Fears of a Shortage, U.S. Meat Exports Increased
Citing imminent shortages, the meat industry lobbied to keep packing plants open as Covid-19 tore through workers’ ranks. At the same time, U.S. meat exports increased.
Madison McVan
Biden’s Infrastructure Plans Are a Good Start—But We Must Ensure Democratic Control
President Biden has laid out an ambitious agenda for rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. To succeed, the projects should be put under public ownership.
Thomas M. Hanna
Biden's First 100 Days Have Been a Tale of Two Presidencies
When it comes to economic issues, the Biden administration has shown some surprising progressivism. On foreign policy, not so much.
Max B. Sawicky
How Police "Gang Databases" Are Being Used to Wage War on Immigrants
Wearing a certain colored hat or sporting the wrong tattoo can be enough to get somebody in the system—and eventually deported.
Maurizio Guerrero
We need to be united in the fight against fascism and repression.
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