The Wisconsin Idea

U.S. Sanctions Are Strangling a Lebanon in Crisis
As Lebanon faces multiple, overlapping catastrophes, U.S. policies are making them worse.
Bilal El-Amine
Joe Biden Kamala Harris
Now Comes the Difficult Work of Pushing the Biden-Harris Ticket Left
If Biden's VP pick Kamala Harris is a “weather vane,” then it’s up to progressives to change the weather.
Natalie Shure
The Largest Private-Sector Strike of the Year Is Headed for Union Victory
After nearly seven weeks on the picket line, Machinists union members will soon vote on a contract that includes everything they’re fighting for.
Jeremy Gantz
The Green New Deal Just Won a Major Union Endorsement. What's Stopping the AFL-CIO?
Union support for the Green New Deal is growing. It's time for America's largest labor federation to get on board.
Mindy Isser
Mijente Stayed Out of the 2016 Election. Here’s Why It’s Going All In This Time.
Hispanic voters will comprise 13% of the electorate this year—the largest nonwhite demographic group of eligible voters. Mijente’s “Fuera Trump” campaign aims to mobilize them for the November election.
Ray Levy-Uyeda
Rural America
Animals and Plants Are Relocating Because of Climate Change. Should They Be Considered Invasive?
Jenny Morber
I Shouldn’t Have to Be a “Strong Black Woman” for My Life to Matter
Support Black women when we are loud or quiet, when we are brave or scared, when we are fed-up or meek.
Ramenda Cyrus
Want Progressive U.S. Politics? Continue to Reform the Democratic Party Rules
There would be far more elected officials like Jamaal Bowman and AOC, if New York complied with the new Party reforms.
Larry Cohen
Biden Promises a Return to the Obama Era. That’s Bad News for Palestinians.
A campaign built on nostalgia is no comfort for those who are not at all nostalgic for the Obama administration.
Alex Kane
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