The Wisconsin Idea

In California, a “Labor Slate” Aims to Redefine the Relationship Between Unions and Politics
From union jobs to Medicare for All, this new pro-worker slate is pushing a progressive platform—and could become a model for how organized labor approaches elections.
Hamilton Nolan
The Rank-and-File Push to Get Cops Out of the Labor Movement
Union members speak about why police have no place in the labor movement.
Maximillian Alvarez
On the Cusp of a Sex Ed Revolution
Texas has its first opportunity in more than two decades to address gaps in its approach to sex ed.
Lizzie Tribone
Tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET: Join Bernie Sanders and Sara Nelson for a special online event
We’re moving our anniversary celebration online—and making it free for everyone.
Christopher Hass
The Reconstruction-Era Legal Theory Preventing Cities and Towns from Responding to the Covid-19 Crisis
Radical times demand a radical re-conception of local politics.
Simon Davis-Cohen
Covid-19 Hunger Strikes Sweep Migrant Detention Centers
Jailed migrants are fighting a battle for their lives.
Maurizio Guerrero
A "Progressive" Vegan Company's Anti-Union Campaign
A conversation with former workers at No Evil Foods, a vegan plant-based meat producer in North Carolina.
Maximillian Alvarez
Rural America
Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops
Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.
Adam Rissien
What Would a Feminist City Look Like?
New York’s City Hall encampment provides a model for creating care-centered, inclusive spaces.
Apoorva Tadepalli
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