The Wisconsin Idea

Cover Story
How Democrats Won and Lost
And what the surprising results mean for the Left.
Maurice Mitchell, Varshini Prakash, George Goehl, Andrea Plaid, Kristian Hernandez and Branko Marcetic

Republicans Never Wanted a Fair Fight
Lessons from the tumultuous election in 2000 are still relevant 20 years later.
In These Times Editors

Millions of U.S Workers for Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Corporate Giants Rely on Food Stamps and Medicaid
A new report commissioned by Bernie Sanders shows that corporations are soaking up profits—while paying workers so little they depend on government assistance to survive.
Jeff Schuhrke

Dean Spade on How Mutual Aid Will Help Us Survive Disaster
We have to fundamentally reimagine community if we want to avoid “intensive, uneven suffering followed by species extinction.”
Clara Liang

What You Need to Know About BDS
The global, nonviolent movement for Palestinian freedom.
In These Times Editors

Democrats Are Scared to Use Their Best Leverage
They need to start holding hostage the things that Republicans hold dear
Hamilton Nolan

The Women Activists Rejecting Biden’s Pro-War “Feminism”
Why anti-war feminists don't want hawkish women like Michèle Flournoy in positions of power.
Sarah Lazare

Joe Biden Owes His Victory to the Left, No Matter What the Democratic Party Says
Organizers, not consultants, delivered key states like Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia. Democrats ignore this reality at their peril.
Rebecca Chowdhury

The Message from this Election? Bring the “Ruckus on the Democratic Party.”
Don't believe the establishment: The 2020 election results are a vindication of the Left’s inside-outside strategy.
Joel Bleifuss