The Wisconsin Idea

How Our Politics Came Undone
Under Trump, our notion of shared truth has been shattered. In its place, monsters have swarmed.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Rural America
Rural Minnesota Is Getting Less White. Meet the Progressive Women Running to Make the Government Less White, Too.
Immigrants, come to work meatpacking and farm jobs, have rejuvenated Nobles County. These women aim to make sure they're represented.
Sarah Lahm
The Brazilian Caregivers Facing Longer Hours, Lower Pay and Compulsory Quarantine
How the pandemic is worsening conditions for the workers who care for Brazil's elderly.
Isabela Dias and Barbara Barcia
Left-Wing Groups Are Filling the Void Left By an "Invisible" Biden Campaign in Michigan
If Joe Biden wins Michigan, he’ll have these independent, grassroots groups to thank.
Eli Day
Our Politicians in Alabama Are Scapegoating Immigrants, But Workers Shouldn't Be Fooled
Republicans are trying to deflect attention from their own dismal records.
Trump and the Rotting Core of America
An interview with labor reporter Hamilton Nolan.
Maximillian Alvarez
Trump’s Calls for Voter Intimidation Are Already Being Heeded. Here’s How to Respond.
We could see a deluge of Trump-sponsored voter intimidation on Election Day. Protecting our democracy requires stopping it in its tracks.
Jeff Schuhrke
Remember What They Did
Do not allow the enablers of the Trump administration to rejoin polite society, ever.
Hamilton Nolan
Don’t Be Fooled: Billionaires Are Fighting the Fair Tax Because They Don’t Want to Pay Up
The Illinois Fair Tax proposal would benefit the working class, communities of color and women by finally taxing the super-rich. That’s why wealthy people are trying to kill it.
Amisha Patel
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