The Wisconsin Idea

One Portrait Was Too Many. Now There Are 110.
Nayana LaFond’s Portraits in RED series centers the “silent crisis” facing Indigenous women
Sherell Barbee
Trump's Faux-Populism Is Straight out of the Fascist Playbook
Revisiting Trump's demagoguery on the campaign trail.
In These Times Editors
Rail Jobs Don't Have to Be Deadly
Railroad corporations are packing schedules and loosening workplace safety standards. Workers are paying for it with their lives.
Maximillian Alvarez
A sign in the foreground says "UNCOMMITTED" in red with Arabic text above, and a small image of a ballot with "uncommitted" checked and Biden unchecked. In the background is a woman in a hijab.
Your State May Not Count Your "Uncommitted" Vote
Different states have different ways voters can lodge protest votes, if they choose to. We’ve compiled a list of state primary rules below.
In These Times Editors
The Uncommitted Campaign Plans to Send Biden a Message This Super Tuesday
Michigan was just the start. Efforts are underway in multiple states today to tell Biden he must change his policy of unflagging support for Israel’s brutal war on Gaza.
Julia Conley
Minnesota's Labor Week of Action Is a Bold Experiment in Social Justice Unionism
A coalition of unions and community groups are uniting to build worker power and win community demands in what's being hailed as a model for social movement unionism.
Amie Stager
The Era of Abundant Labor Reporting Is Coming to an End
Either the labor movement will support journalism, or the good times are finished.
Hamilton Nolan
The Most Important Labor Story Right Now Is in Minnesota—It Might Be the Model We All Need
A strategic alignment of major networks of unions and community groups in Minnesota have worked together for more than a decade to leverage their collective power.
Sarah Jaffe
Thomas Friedman Is a Dinosaur, and a New World Is Here
"Ultimately, Friedman’s latest op-ed isn’t really a criticism of Israel’s actions—it’s a plea that Israel please, please make sure people don’t think badly of its actions."
Yasmin Nair
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