The Wisconsin Idea

Brandon Johnson Drops ShotSpotter
By fulfilling a campaign promise to end the contract with ShotSpotter, Johnson makes Chicago the largest city to cut ties with the controversial gunshot-detection company. The program could be finished as early as the end of this week.
Siri Chilukuri
Forget Elections. Build Your Union.
Political power comes from labor power. Not vice versa.
Hamilton Nolan
The War on Gaza Is a Labor Issue
Workers in the U.S. can't look away from Israel's assault on Gaza—our labor is helping fuel the war machine.
Paul Stauffer
Photo of the Crazy Mountain Range in Montana. Mountains in the distance have snow on them in the background. In the foreground is a lush, green mountain valley.
Rural America
How To Privatize a Mountain
As a wave of wealth sweeps Montana, landowners are blocking the public from public lands.
Joseph Bullington
Donald Trump Wants to Poison the Soul of the Labor Movement
Trump is trying to court union members by saying he's a "friend" to labor—but he's actually a billionaire scab out to strip workers of their rights.
Jeff Schuhrke
ViewpointPalestineEn Español
“Ya Termine De Votar Por El Menor De Los Males. No Votaré Por Joe Biden en 2024.”
A menos de que Biden cambie drásticamente su rumbo sobre Palestina, los votantes musulmanes—votantes críticos en estados clave—no votaran por él, y los demócratas no podrán culpar a nadie más que a sí mismos.
Saqib Bhatti
Has Biden Completely Lost Michigan? Voters are “Uncommitted.”
A new campaign in Michigan is urging voters to vote "Uncommitted" in the upcoming presidential primary instead of President Joe Biden. One of the leaders of the campaign says “a vote uncommitted is a vote for humanity.”
Eman Abdelhadi and Layla Elabed
Is Biden Letting Republicans Set the Terms of the Immigration Debate?
“We have given into the Republican narrative in such a way that we’re beginning to sound like them”: A roundtable discussion with Rep. Delia Ramirez, Heba Gowayed, Victor Narro and Carlos Rojas Rodriguez
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
Una mano con forma de bandera americana agarra un alarme de espino
ViewpointInterviewEn Español
¿Está Permitiendo Biden Que Los Republicanos Fijen Los Términos Del Debate Sobre Inmigración?
“Hemos cedido a la narrativa republicana de tal manera que estamos empezando a sonar como ellos.” Una discusión con Rep. Delia Ramírez, Heba Gowayed, Víctor Narro y Carlos Rojas Rodríguez
Natascha Elena Uhlmann
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