The Wisconsin Idea

New Comics: Drawing Against Debt
Comics on Debtor Organizing

LaborViewpointElection 2024
Teamsters President Happily Walks Into Republican Trap
Teamsters President Sean O'Brien played into Republicans’ phony pro-worker rebrand that was on display at the Republican National Convention.
Alexandra Bradbury

LaborViewpointElection 2024
What the Left Needs From the Post-Biden Democrats
From demanding an end to the war on Gaza to a stronger labor movement, now is the time for the U.S. Left to make its voice heard.
Hamilton Nolan

LaborElection 2024
As Biden Bows out, Labor Begins to Coalesce Around Harris and Sets Sights on Defeating Trump
The path forward is clear,” said UAW President Shaw Fain, “we will defeat Donald Trump and his billionaire agenda and elect a champion for the working class to the highest office in this country.”
Luis Feliz Leon

LaborViewpointElection 2024
A Scab Running for President Calls for Firing UAW President Shawn Fain
“Don’t get played by this scab billionaire,” Fain, president of the United Auto Workers, said in response to Donald Trump. “Stand up and fight for more.”
Luis Feliz Leon

Election 2024
What Biden's "Rent Cap" Is, and Isn't
It’s an ideological win for the left that won’t actually cap rents–but opens the door to other, bolder federal action.
Rebecca Burns

Rules to Live By
Remembering labor’s fierce organizer, strategist and writer, Jane McAlevey.
Alex Press

Capital Has No Borders—Why Should We?
Precarious immigration status creates an exploitable labor force, allowing bosses to drive down wages for everyone. Inside the labor case for open borders.
Maurizio Guerrero

There’s No Good Reason To Be Spending Nearly $1 Trillion On Our Military Budget
Congress is spending on the military like it’s World War III. Diverting that money to jobs, healthcare, and the climate would make us far safer.
Lindsay Koshgarian